Veronika Tzekova reGIERung FOOOOTBALLLL LOVEOFPOWEROFLOVE Reconstructed Identity Space Appropriators _2 Space Appropriators Space NRGZers Sweetshirt WUMAMPAROI


Man muß die spRACHE quälen, bis sie schreibt

ein Auswahl aus der Reihe CDoupbles (2013-2017)

Donnerstag, 30. März 2017, 18.30 Uhr
Galerie Centrum
Glacisstraße 9 (Ecke Attemsgasse), A-8010 Graz

Eröffnung durch Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arne Ziegler
Leiter des Instituts für Germanistik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Ausstellungsdauer: 1. - 14. April 2017 Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr, 14-18 Uhr; Sa, 10-14 Uhr

CDoupbles (Portmanteau-Wort aus "couples" und "doubles") ist eine Serie von Sprachspielen, ich nenne sie auch Kurzgeschichten, bestehend aus jeweils zwei oder mehreren Wörtern. Normalerweise gibt es ein "Hauptwort", das zweite Wort erscheint auf verschiedene Art und Weise, abhängig von der Gestaltung des Objekts, der Installation, dem Layout und der Typografie. Die Bedeutungen entstehen durch die Koexistenz der Wörter in der Phantasie der Betrachterin, des Betrachters und werden von den geweckten Assoziationen bestimmt.

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Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Herren Supbruntscheff

* "Man muß die Sprache quälen, bis sie schreit" ist ein Zitat von Ernst Jandl.

Man muß die spRACHE quälen, bis sie schreibt

SchAUGEnusss *
Pandemic-proofed permanent exhibition with changing exhibits
August 2020 -August 2021
Display window of Atelier 12, Münzgrabenstraße 24, 8010 Graz, Austria

SchAUGEnuss is an year-long exhibition with works from my series CDoupbles and syllaBLEndings. The exhibits are exchanged monthly. Exhibition views are available in the eponymous photo album on the Facebook page of "SchAUGEnuss".

To be viewed 24/7, from August 28, 2020 till  August 31, 2021.

* Schaugenuss (de)- pleasure (Genuss) of seeing (Schau). A compound word, by which in the middle accidently appears another word - "Auge" (de) - "eye" (en).

Verses on light-boxes in public space

Since May 2018 selected verses from the syllaBLEndings series are exhibited on light boxes in several public spaces in Graz, Austria. The verses are changed every two weeks. To this moment seven light boxes at five locations are hosting the syllaBLEndings: Steiermärkische Landesbibliothek, Cafe Stockwerk, Stadtbibliothek Zanklhof, Kulturvermittlung Steiermark and Cafe König.

After each change of the verses on the light boxes, photos are posted in the eponymous album on my Facebook profile, and on my blog under the label CDoupbles :: syllaBLEndings. Flyers with syllaBLEndings verses are produced and distributed in Graz.

My Blog

The CHAlleNGED GAMES blog was conceived with the hope to stimulate divergence thinking and challenge the viewer to rethink one’s routines and shift his/her perspective on the status quo.

The blog was initially  dedicated to the CHAlleNGED GAMES series and seeks for extended meaning in playing and its relation to aspects of human existence and production.

As with the time I started to experiment with another system - the language, to apply mathematical logic and seek patterns in words, in the last years my publications are mostly about this part of my work.

CHAlleNGED Games
My Videos
on YouTube
on Vimeo

iGRAZ/Space Appropriators is a bilingual (English/German) book, collecting the visual documentation and experience of more than 25 interventions in the public space and some events in which the Space Appropriators were involved. For these few years the project accumulated significant, and I would allow myself to say, impressing visuals and knowledge, embodying divergence thinking and proactive attitude towards one’s environment.

ISBN-13: 978-1537617305
Paperback: 160 pages
Language: English/German
Dimensions: 21.6 x 1 x 21.6 cm
iGRAZ book

Author: Veronika Tzekova
Publish Date: September 27, 2010
Dimensions: 18 x 18 cm, 70 pages
Language: English/Italian

As a manner of artistic creation in many of my recent works I employ existing urban situations, objects, visuals, texts and just add often a small detail, which significantly changes their meaning and/or function. book includes art works in the period 2004-2010, some still in progress at the time and some as ideas developed during 2010. The selection is made to guide the viewer through an artistic process that lead to the birth of ideas such as Space NRGZers and Dadissuasori.

The book ends with a couple of blank pages, which are to e filled in with sketches and ideas for new works employing the same approach. 


Veronika Tzekova